
Adobe XD – Notepad App

To test out the capabilities and functions of Adobe XD I decided to use it to create a notepad app prototype. The concept is a basic note taking app which is visually represented by simple notebook paper. One of the main ideas in using this tool to create the prototype was to design the design and drawing capabilities within Adobe XD. This particular project plays more with design that function. If you click through each page you will see how the app is intended to animate a new note.

Live link to Adobe XD Notepad App design



Figma – Alarm Clock App

Figma is one of my favorite tools, particularly since they implemented prototyping and developer hand off capabilities in their 2.0 update. This design for a simple alarm clock app was initially used similarly to the notepad app in that it was a way to test the design capabilities of the tool without the use of external design programs like Photoshop or Illustrator. This project showcases a styled login page that leads into the alarm page, with prototyping enabled to simulate this.

Live link to Figma Alarm Clock App design



Figma – Map App Mockups

Another design idea I tried to create fully within Figma without the use of external design or drawing tools was this map application. As this is a single page design there is no prototyping functions as of yet, but check back as I intend to add more to this later!

Live link to Figma Map app mockups